Tuesday, November 8, 2011

Got Shroom?

So, this guy sent me an e-mail on a dating site. And this was his main profile picture. Enticing!

What. In the hell. Is that. On his tongue. Is that mildew? No, really. I want to know. What is that? It's got to be some kind of fungus. I think I see a mushroom budding. This is just so disgusting to me I had to share. Why should I be the only one who had to have this image singed into my brain?

Of course, this wasn’t his only profile picture. He did have one of his face. And his multiple tattoos. Face tattoos, that is.

I also got an e-mail from the gentleman below and this was his profile pic:

Et tu, Unidater? I like how he clarifies "That's me.." as his caption. That's you... what? Robbing a bank? That's you mugging someone at an ATM? Shoplifting a Velcro® wallet from KMart? And this was the *only* picture on his dating profile. What kind of response do you think you're going to get with a picture like that? I'm thinking he's better off trying his hand on an inmate dating site such as http://www.conjugalharmony.com/. That's a real site, by the way. And never you mind how I know about it.

I just had to share these. People are so fucking bizarre.

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