Tuesday, November 1, 2011

Champagne Wishes and Groupon Dreams

I met Bachelor #9 at a social gathering a friend of mine had a couple months ago. He was a really funny guy so I was pleasantly surprised when he asked to hang out beyond facebook last week. We discussed meeting for beer and, when I accepted, he informed me that I also qualified for him to use one of his Groupons on me. Sold.

I had been out of town last weekend so we decided to meet Sunday night when I was back. That being said, it turns out I was on the tail end of a weekend full of him partying. And, evidentially, hearty. He told me he was hung over and in bed most of the day. He yawned a lot and so, at times, I felt like I was boring the shit out of him. Although now that I think of it, I don’t necessarily yawn when I’m bored. He did actually apologize for yawning so much and jokingly suggested that I may want to spice up the conversation so that he wouldn't have to keep doing that. It was a nice dinner, I got to eat at a restaurant that I’ve wanted to try for a while and I had a couple beers which didn’t suck. The conversation was pretty good too. Despite being hung over, tired and/or bored, he was still funny and he’s a nice guy. Overall, it was a good date and I have no complaints. He knows about my blog so I have to be nice here. (I kid) I offered to give him blog immunity but he told me he likes reading about himself so that wasn’t necessary. But really, even if he wasn’t going to read my review of our date I have nothing negative to say about him. Despite his private urge to, he didn’t wear Crocs, he made me laugh and he used a Groupon on me. What more could a girl ask for? My only suggestion is that he may want to down a few 5-Hour Energy drinks or snort a line of coke before he goes on a date again when he’s hung over and sleepy.

I have a tentative date tonight with a guy who uses a lot (a lot) of emoticons in his messages. We're supposed to go bowling. Coincidentally, my cousin will be playing in a league there at the same time. I might have a co-writer for my next blog post. I wonder which of these emoticons will best describe my post-date wrap up...

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