Tuesday, October 11, 2011

Excuse me, sir... which way to Bethlehem?

I’m way behind in this blog. I’ve had 2 dates since my last post & haven’t written shit. I knew I wouldn’t have much to say about Bachelor #5 because, well, there’s not much to write. He’s a nice guy. Conversation was pleasant. He wasn’t at all weird but he was pretty reserved. Aesthetically he’s not my type but he’s really nice. The margarita was good as was the chimichanga. And that’s not a euphemism. It was a fine date with a nice guy who, basically, isn’t my type. Not much else to say.

I met Bachelor #6 at yet another Mexican restaurant. My third visit to one in 5 days. Here’s one thing I’ve learned since this experience started: men like enchiladas. But anyhoo, this guy was also very nice. Not overbearing or douchey at all. Again, in the looks department he’s not what I’d go for but I’m sure these guys aren’t all looking at me like I’m the next Kathy Ireland. He actually looked like Dana Carvey now that I think of it. Anyhoo, we met, he ordered a beer and I got a margarita. We chatted. He ordered another beer. And then another. And then another. I got a second margarita and he ordered another beer. And then he ordered another beer. Seriously this guy probably had 10 beers in the 2 hours we were talking. But that wasn’t the shocking part. At one point, he got up to use el baño when what to my wondering eyes should appear? Jerusalem Cruisers. Birkenstocks. (Cue record scratch sound effect.) Not an attractive shoe especially for October weather. At least he wasn’t wearing socks with them? Anyway, regardless of that, he is a really nice guy, has a good job, owns his own home, totally stable. A refreshing change. I can take him shopping for better footwear so that's not a deal breaker. So far this is the first guy I’d consider going out with a second time. But I’ll have to keep my eye on that cerveza intake.

Really, uneventful dates. Which is probably why I procrastinated for so long writing about them. Ho hum.

Tonight, however, is the speed dating adventure. I cannot wait to see what this is going to be like. Honestly, I have no idea who would actually do a speed dating event. I mean, yeah I’m doing it but only for the sake of “research”. Yeah, research. I’m guessing there’s going to be a lot of cheezeballs which will be fun observe. And also, I’m totally counting this as a date so it’s going towards my goal of 30. Bachelors #7, here I come. Wear your fancy Birkenstocks.


  1. While the horrible dates are certainly more entertaining to read about - I'm still hoping for a "normal" guy to come out of one of these 30 dates. And meanwhile, I can't wait to hear about speed dating. I always wanted to officially try it! I speed dated all the time, the guys just weren't aware of it.

  2. Adding Jerusalem Cruisers into my vernacular in 3, 2, 1.

  3. and I thought "Lord Boards" was hilarious ... Jerusalem Cruisers ... even better!
