So, one of my favorite web sites features a “Hot Slut of the Day” every day which pretty much features some of the world's most outstanding F-list celebrities and general hot messes. This inspired me to steal his idea and occasionally put the spotlight on some of the turdish profiles or e-mails that I get from online dating sites on a regular basis. They are plentiful and, since these gentlemen spent so much time on their profiles, why should they not get the recognition they deserve? May I present to you today’s Steaming Turd of the Day…
Today’s STOTD is Dennis from Milwaukee. He likes road bikes, art, drawing, painting, baking, swimming, camping and running. Wow does he sound like a catch! His profile starts out with…
“Picture This!!! You have spent countless hours searching for him. You join on-line dating sites, going out with friends who set you up on blind dates, searching Craigslist, Yahoo Personals, Match and every other site you can think of everyday trying to find the right one. But you have not found him.” My, he certainly does paint a picture. But he loves drawing so that should come as no surprise. And yes, that’s how I spend countless hours every day. Trolling the internets looking for the man of my dreams. Also, let’s just address the elephant in the room… who goes on craigslist looking for their soul mate? Yeah, if you want to get your swirl on with a prostitute, then that site is prefect. But really… craigslist? Moving on.
“In he walks, searching the same places you do but your paths never crossed. He is tall with beautiful brown eyes and a wonderful smile. Simple but sophisticated, successful, outgoing, laughs at all your jokes and makes you laugh. He is spontaneous, adventurous and has a passion for travel. He has a heart of gold and does not let the little stuff bother him. He is a friend, a lover and a shoulder to lean on when you need it.” “He sends you a card just to let you know he is thinking of you, he send flowers for no reason, he calls just to say hello. As the day’s move on you learn about each other, you learn about all the passions he and you hold in your hearts. You learn to dream with him and your dreams include him as his include you. Today the search has ended and a new life has begun…… “
Check, please!! I’m in love! But wait, there’s more…
He continues to fill his profile with flowery masturbatorial bullshit and even features a love poem. I would include it but it is just so fucking lame. I mean romantic. It’s super romantic and I have fallen for him hook, line and sinker. I feel as though if I’ve fallen in love with him before I've even met him. It’s kismet. We’re meant to be, I just know it! He contacted me, I’ve read his tender words of beauty filled with sincerity and love. It’s time to make the next move.
As I read on, his profile describes his perfect first date. The first date where I know we will lock eyes and, from that moment on, spend the rest of our lives enveloped in love. What is his perfect date? I can't wait to find out. Just one word but filled with so much meaning and passion:
That’s right. After all this lameity (it’s not a word but I’m going with it), his perfect first date is “handjob”. I thought he couldn’t have been more appealing to me. Turns out he’s not.
I usually reserve hand jobs for a 5th date so clearly this isn't going to work. Looks like I’ll have to get back on craigslist and continue my search. So close...