Thursday, April 19, 2012

Premature E-Blog-Ulation

I guess I posted this before I was done. But since I'm neglecting my blog so much I didn't even notice. mwa mwaaa... Anyway, in addition to slacking in general, I started a new job that I love and, until today, haven't been able to dick around a whole lot. Certainly not enough to update my blog. And, when I'm at home, I have tons of Judge Judy episodes to catch up on which keeps me pretty darn busy. You know she does 2 new episodes - EVERY. DAY. Aaanyhoo, I am 4 bachelors behind in this mutha trucka so let's get to bees wax already. I had a date with some dude and he is Bachelor #21. There’s not much to report here. He & I texted a lot and he called me. Which is nice. Lots of guys like to keep things textual but fellas, here’s a tip: Girls like a guy who doesn’t mind giving you a ring on the flip phone once in a while. Anyway, he was also a graphic artist which, I’m sure you picked up as an interest of mine when you saw the profeshunal logo for my blog here. We also determined that we both really enjoy beer. He doesn’t get out much so he didn’t really have any suggestions on where to go. So, I suggested a place I like that has a great beer menu.

Thinking of you too, fella! xoxoxoxo

So, he called me when we were both on our way to ye olde date to ask for directions. I think he might only really know the way to and from work. So we were talking. blah blah blah directions, blah blah blah, racial epithet, [record scratch] Now, I would never defend a racial slur - ever - but he was using it in reference to himself as a white man. However, no matter what, I just really dislike when people use offensive terms in general. Call me a prude. So I asked him about it and he totally didn’t get why I was al “uh… did you just say…” I think he just did not know why some might consider that offensive.

But we were about 3 minutes away from the bar so we met. I mean, there’s beer there. So, I get there and he’s pretty cute. He had a bunch of tattoos which I like. And not dumb ones like the Tasmanian Devil. He was completely blown away by the beer menu. Did I mention that he doesn’t get out much? Anyway, we got along well but conversation wasn’t free-flowing. There were some awkward pauses and there was a lot of pretending to look at the beer menu more. He also used double negatives which is kind of a pet peeve of mine. I don’t got no idea. So… then you *do* have an idea. It is just… nothing? Anyway, there was no spark and, fortunately, he knew I had plans to meet up with friends so it was a good excuse to end at a reasonable time. We said our buh byes and I went home. Followed by falling asleep on my couch and being late meeting my friends out.

So, another bust but at least I got a few beers out of the deal. And that always turns a frown upside down.

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