Thursday, September 22, 2011

And we're off...

Well, my first exit out of this dating gate went pretty well. I had a yoga class until 7:30 so we met for drinks later in the night. He only had 1 picture on his profile which, in my opinion, is usually pretty sketch. As such, I wasn’t expecting great things as my friends from Kohl’s would say. Usually if they only have 1 picture it’s because they’re not that attractive and this picture hit juuuust the right angle or it’s some random picture they got off the internets and he’s most likely a serial killer. It has to be one of the two. At least that’s where my mind goes.

Anyway, some guy strolled into the bar solo wearing jean shorts (strike 1) and Crocs (strike 2 - 572) and I was just thinking “Please don’t be him.” It wasn’t. So when my date finally showed up I breathed a sigh of relief. Tall, dark(ish) and adorbs. Plus, he smelled great and had a bunch of tattoos which I’m a sucker for. The beginnings of a date are usually kind of awk but the conversation flowed really well. He had a really deep voice which was nice to listen to. We pretty much talked for about 3 hours and then headed over to the dart board where I dominated. And by dominated I mean lost. I admit that my mind drifted off a few times thinking how I’m going to tear him apart on my blog today. He was totally normal and not giving me much material here. But that’s such a good thing. After all, this is only the beginning so I’m sure I’ll have plenty to discuss. Anyway, he asked if I wanted to hang out again this weekend and I said I was down. When we wrapped up the date he walked me to my car, gave me a hug and told me to text him when I got home. He was a total gentleman and really nice. Not the usual date.

But fear not, I’m sure the future creepers that I will undoubtedly be embarking upon will be a good read. After all, I seem to run in to so many. Like the guy I went on a date with who talked incessantly about his cat Roxy that has diabetes, the ass who told me he had Tourette’s so he could shout out expletives loudly at the bar or the guy who got on the dance floor (alone) and was both poppin’ and lockin’ while simultaneously dropping ass. There are gems everywhere, ladies. You just have to figure out which rock to find them under. I’m a pro. Let me show you the way.

Well, I’ve got a whole bunch of unread e-mails from these dating sites in my in box. One from a guy who listed “herring” as the first item in his ‘Dislikes’ list. Most people say “bad breath”, “people who are rude”, “senior citizens”. Nope. Not this guy. He really isn’t a fan of smoked fish.

So, 1 down, 29 to go.

1 comment:

  1. Keep us up to date on the herring-hater. I'm thinking he's not Dutch, but who knows...
