I spend so much time fielding e-mails and IMs from guys. And then when I decide to give them my number I have a bunch of incoming texts on a fairly regular basis. The other night I was e-mailing back & forth with 2 people, texting with 3 more and on IM with another. And that’s IN ADDITION to catching up on the day’s Judge Judy episodes. Thank God I’m an excellent multi-tasker. aka I have a raging case of the ADHD, I think.
The other day I got an IM request from some guy who said “What do I have to do to get your attention? Stand outside your window in pink spandex and dance? oggodey boogedy boo!” My response “I’d rather you didn’t.” Close IM. Block. Next.
I do have a goal here; I’m trying to get at these 29 more dates. It’s not an easy thing. I kind of feel like a politician sans kissing hands and shaking babies. Or something like that. And I’m trying to be fairly selective though which, again, adds another layer of complexity. I’m sure I could reach my 30 dates really fast if I’d just go out with every turd who showed interest. I probably could wrap this up in the next week or two. But I’m not solely doing this just for a numbers game. I am trying to meet some cool people. But it’s just so much work!
Last night it kind of caught up with me. I get a text from a gentleman caller asking me if I liked the Brewers. I gave that a resounding hell to the yes. I asked him if he was planning on cancelling our meet up next week if I had said no. He’s like “Next week? You must have me confused with one of the other cats you’re talking to.” Busssssted! I totally did because this guy & I are supposed to go out tomorrow & I had him confused with someone I’m supposed to hang out with next Wednesday. Well give me a fucking break. How am I supposed to keep all this shit straight? Almost every single guy I’m talking to has a 4-letter name, too. Dave, Chad, Brad, Glen, Rick. Really? Where are the Jebediahs and Ezekiels? Well, they’re probably on an Amish farm somewhere in Pennsylvania and I wouldn’t be chatting with them on a modern cellular telephone and laptop computer. But if these guys had more original names I wouldn’t have to think so hard. Because we all know that thinking *is* hard. Anyway, I charmed my way out of that hole and we’re still meeting up tomorrow night. Looks like I’m still getting that free fish fry & beer(s) after all.
I’m considering making one of those fugitive-like wall boards that Dog the Bounty Hunter makes where I have all of these guys’ names, photos, DOBs and reasons for their incarcerations. That way, when I get a call or text or what have you, I can just refer to that. I like everything about this idea. I wonder how I’d look in a black leather vest and platform cowboy boots…